On April 18 I had the pleasure to attend a Seminar at The Norwegian Emigrant Museum in Hamar in Norway.
The Emigrant Museum is situated beautifully in the outskirts of Hamar. it consists of both the Main museum building wich houses an exibition area with exibitions about the Norwegian immigration to USA as well as an archive and library with some research facilities.Outside is the Open Air museum with a coule of old buildings from Norwegian-America.

The Seminar I was attending was called "Introduction to Swedish and Norwegian Family research" was hold by a new network called Grensevandring (Boarder crossing) wich aims among other things to research the migration between Sweden and Norway. It is partly funded by the European Union.
The participants were mostly from local genealogical Societies from the county of Hedmark in Norway and the province of Värmland in Sweden.

Who told us about how to do genealogy in Norway as well as how to do research about Norwgian immigrants and about the sources available at the Norwegian Emigrant Museum
The Emigration from Norway to USA started in
the 1820-ties and 1830thies
(a few decades earlier than in Sweden).
At the Norwegian Emigrant Museum have some intresting material about the Norwegians in USA.
Here Finn Einar Graff gets help looking for relatives in the microfilmed Norwegian-American

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